We all take our privacy for granted. But the truth is there’s very little privacy online — especially when it comes to chatting with others. That’s why being able to read encrypted WhatsApp messages online is such a coveted skill.
When you send a message to someone, you run the very real risk of having that message intercepted by a third party. And the same thing can happen when they write you back. That’s just the nature of online conversations.
But with end-to-end encryption, those conversations are locked down. WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption, which makes it virtually impossible for others to read your messages and for you to read theirs — unless know how. Today, we’re going to show you how.
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How Encryption Works on WhatsApp
With end-to-end-encryption, every WhatsApp message you send and receive is secured with a lock. The keys to unlock it are stored on your device and on their device. Without those keys, it’s virtually impossible to decrypt WhatsApp database details. And that means no one can read your messages.
The best part? You don’t have to do anything to unlock each message. Everything happens at the speed of light and completely automatically.
This is great news if you want to keep things extremely private. If someone tries to install WhatsApp on another device and sign in as you, they won’t be able to read your messages because your key to unlock it exists only on your device.
But what if really want to read someone’s WhatsApp message for valid, legal reasons? For example, what if you want to monitor your child’s WhatsApp communication to ensure they aren’t chatting inappropriately or with people who they shouldn’t be chatting with? We have several solutions that can help.
Solution #1: mSpy
mSpy is the best solution if you want to read encrypted WhatsApp messages online. The monitoring app lets you see every message they send and receive — even if those messages are encrypted.
It sounds complicated and advanced, and while the technology is beyond most people’s comprehension, mSpy is easy to use.
First, install mSpy on their device. It doesn’t take long if you follow the detailed instructions sent to you after purchasing a subscription. Then, sit back and let mSpy run its first sync. When it’s done, pop into your Control Panel to view their WhatsApp messages.
You’ll be able to see all written communications, any pics and videos they’ve shared in WhatsApp, and complete date and time information. It’s one of the best ways to read encrypted WhatsApp messages and it’s extremely cost-effective.
Solution #2: Use WhatsApp Web
If you’re able to grab their device for a few minutes, you can use WhatsApp Web to decrypt WhatsApp database information and see their messages. To set it up, go to the web.WhatsApp.com website on your desktop. When you see a QR code, open WhatsApp on your phone.
Next, scan the setting icon (a little gear icon on iPhone or the three dots on Android). Then, tap Linked devices, followed by Link a device. Finally, just point your phone at the QR code on your desktop and you’ll be on your way to seeing their messages.
Solution #3: Restore an Encrypted Backup
This method is rather complex. First, you’ll need a separate phone. And you’ll need to make sure that phone has the same number as their phone. Since a phone number can only be tied to one phone, this method only works if you want to know how to read encrypted WhatsApp messages on Android and don’t care if they’ll find out that you’re snooping.
If this works for you, then go ahead and use a file manager to find the encrypted WhatsApp file. On Android devices, you’ll find it under WhatsApp/Databases. Next, install WhatsApp on the new phone and choose Restore when asked if you want to recover your encrypted messages.
mSpy Provides Less Headaches and More Information
We recommend the mSpy route — and not just because it’s easy to use. Not only does mSpy let you decrypt WhatsApp database messages and read them with ease, but it also lets you read the other private chats they’re having on other social media platforms. Instagram. Messenger. Snapchat. TikTok. Discord. Tinder. Telegram. You name it.
Once you learn how to read encrypted WhatsApp messages on iPhone and Android with mSpy, you’ll be on your way to reading all their messages. To see mSpy in action, check out the free demo on the website. Everything you read is already decrypted, so you’re good to go.